Wednesday, May 28, 2008


A story about the maths that I do know.

No amount of preparation can prepare one for the unexpected.

Timeliness can be described as circumstancial. .A lesson learned is a sum of situation, expectation and appreciation minus anticipation.

Efficiency equals the total sum of energy input minus energy output. If it remains in the positive then it equals efficiency. If it depletes to the negative then it equals time wasted.

Efficacy is the total sum of all parts less energy output (Situation + expectation + appreciation + anticipation + energy input - energy output).

Maths just seems like an easier way to understand things at the moment.


trulymadlydeeply said...

a while after reading this yesterday I changed my little fortune cookie on facebook so that it would read something new. the first click gave me this:

Funny, right???
Man I love life for throwing things like that out there. Always linkin stuff up...

Likin your posts lady!

editor said...

No can see the picture : (

trulymadlydeeply said...

how's that?

editor said...

oh nice - the world is a funny little place sometimes... really is.

I shall now endeavor to find you on facebook! hahahaha

amy said...

True, the unexpected is just that~ the story part about efficacy feels best to me- anticipation is the wind in my sails!

amy said...

I really relate to Peter up there doing math :)

amy said...

A- happiness= reality- expectation... so true, so true~